Dr. Ashi Khurana did her post-graduation MS training in ophthalmology from LLRM, medical college, Merrut and fellowship in cornea and anterior segment in 1998-99 from the L V Prasad eye Institute Hyderabad. Dr. Ashi Khurana was founder Director of C L Gupta Eye Bank since 2003. and she laid the foundation of modern Eye Banking in this area. Dr. Ashi Khurana was the founder Director of C L Gupta Eye Institute and since 2012 is the Vice- Chairmen of most modern eye care facility of western Uttar Pradesh-C L Gupta Eye Institute. She has made various scientific presentation at local, national and international forum. She is also invited faculty in many scientific conferences.. She is actively involved as a partner member of Vision 2020, right to sight , India,Sightlife International USA, Orbis International and Operation eye sight universal, All India Ophthalmological society and woman ophthalmologist Society of India. She has trained many ophthalmic surgeons in her subspeciality and is actively involved in clinical and operational research. Her special interest are refractive surgery, lamellar corneal surgery, micro phacoemulsification and ocular surface diseases.She has been actively involved in the drive to improve the quality of services and systems to deliver eye care. She drives the strategic planning for growth and expansion, efficient health care delivery of outreach services , registration, documentation, flow of patients in OPD and Operation Theatre.